World Book Day 2022 : The Eligo reading list

World Book Day 2022 : The Eligo reading list

Back to Life at Eligo Insights

Everyone everywhere should be a reader, whether that’s picking up the paper on a Sunday morning, reading that rather interesting paragraph on the milk carton (I'm looking at you Oatly), or turning the pages of a no.1 bestseller, reading helps us escape from the humdrum of day to day life.

For some of our consultants who are parents, World Book Day comes with the added stress of having to find or even make a book-themed costume for their little ones. So we asked our Eligoid's to share their favourite books that help them escape life's daily stresses, books that got them into reading, or books that they couldn't put down.

Read below for a diverse reading list full of great fiction, children's classics, self-help, and even cookbooks!



Life of Pi  
Yann Martel

"Life of Pi is my favourite book. Just a really good story, highlighting the will to live, which is open to multiple interpretations and very well written."

Steve Brennan 




Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live Love, Parent, and Lead. 
by Brené Brown

"This book is a guide on diving deep into what we perceive as inadequate about us. Hardly ever did I feel this much excitement, vulnerability, anticipation, and just plain old fear when turning the pages. It’s raw, honest, and causes a great deal of discomfort. The other side of it is bliss, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. It’s a book that will help you show up for yourself. " - Asia Niscur



Mr. Men Collection
by Roger Hargreaves

"Since having children the level of my literature has changed somewhat and I've been reading Mr. Men & Peter Rabbit a lot recently. I'll let you decide if that's because I have kids or just a love for children's books..."

Rick Deller




Roald Dahl books  
The Twits, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, The BFG

"I would say the Roald Dahl books sparked my interest in reading, I got transported and loved his whole collection, what a great author." 

Louise Sheperd




The Doctors Kitchen - Supercharge your health with 100 delicious everyday recipes by Rupy Aujla 

"After my cancer diagnosis, I was desperately researching what I should and should not be doing and eating to try to have some impact and sense of control over my prognosis. Despite this being a great distraction and way to focus my attention on my health and recovery, it was a very large rabbit hole to fall into! There is sooooooo much information out there, much of it often conflicting, so it was starting to become a stressful and unhealthy focus. Then unprompted, serendipity struck and a friend sent me this book through the post! It offered the perfect balance, not too prescriptive, not too restrictive, fascinating, and inspiring. It was a real game-changer and perhaps even a lifesaver. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to have a positive impact on their health through what they eat." -  Vicky Bodhani




By Gregory David Roberts

"I read this book after I came back from my travels in India and it totally fixated me. I absolutely loved it, the richness in the story reminded me of

that very special place and the mad times I also had over there."

Guy Wilkinson




The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition by Robert Graves

"Definitely not a book to read in one sitting! Probably the best compendium of Greek myths that you can find on the market. I love to read a couple of chapters during weekends because of the charm that these myths can exude with their fascinating dilemmas and stunning visionary imagination." 

Mattia Brancaccio 



Life After Life 
by Kate Atkinson

"Once I started reading this book I couldn’t put it down! It follows the main character Ursula as she relives her life over and over in a different time and place across the 20th century & World War. It’s about a life of what if’s, reincarnation, family, love, and loss. It’s a hefty read, but worth it!" 

Chloe Pearson



Are you there God? It's Me, Margaret By Judy Blume

"A book that stands out for me as an all-time fave is 'Are you there God, it's me Margaret' by Judy Bloom. I still have her entire teenage range from when I was a teenager. I loved her books. Probably a cringe read for a Teenager of today but it was very on point for me at the time of reading."

Jaimie Dickson-Davies




To Kill A Mockingbird
by Harper Lee

"A great book that offers a deeper insight to human behaviour, with one of my favourite quotes; " Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." 

Manraj Khangura



May Contain Nuts
by John O'Farrell 

"A good one for the over fastidious helicopter Mums out there, it's a funny and provocative book that will make you laugh, cry and vow never to become that sort of parent."

Anne Rooke